Marketing to Different Types of Cannabis Consumers

Image credit: Mario Purisic

Picture in your mind a cannabis user. What do they look like? The stereotype of a cannabis user has changed dramatically since the 1970’s when the war on drugs was strong. 

Do you know the target audience for your cannabis brand? What are their preferences, not only from a cannabis consumption perspective, but generally speaking as well. In order to be successful with that target audience you need a clear vision of them. 

Of course, you want to stylize and position your offering to their liking, but did you also know that using LucidIDs are an opportunity to market to a specific audience? LucidIDs are the Intelligent UPC (universal product code) for cannabis. They allow cannabis companies to optimize their supply chain operations in many facets. But they also enable direct communication to consumers.

When consumers scan LucidIDs, they see product description, dosage recommendation, and independent lab test results. All of this information comes from the cannabis brand. Lucid Green does not add this content, it comes from cannabis brands. This gives cannabis brands a way to craft their product positioning and messages for the intended audience.

We did some quick research to see how others have recently “categorized” cannabis users. Differentiating them came in the forms of usage frequency, age groups, and/or lifestyle. In summary, we found these type of classifications:

Usage Categories:

Social Opportunists - moderate consumers that typically rely on their peers to get their supply. 

Discreet Unwinders - moderate consumers that often use cannabis to "relax and regroup" or for pain management.

Functional Dependents - heavy usage consumer.

Newbies - people who want to try new things and may move to another usage category.

Age Categories:

Silver Dabblers - recreational users who use marijuana "a couple times a month or less to relax."

Millennials - born between 1980’s and early 2000’s. 

The Generation X - born between the years of 1961 and 1981.

Lifestyle Categories:

Traditional Lifestylers - "young, diverse, and single. They consume cannabis daily, and despite having relatively low incomes, they are high spenders."

Modern Lifestylers - heavy consumers that largely live in legal recreational markets and buy from dispensaries. 

Infrequent Conservatives - older group that is often politically conservative, often married and retired, the report says.

Medicinal Cannabis Users - usually patients who are suffering from an ailment that is unbearably painful like cancer, arthritis, etc.

Stoners - teenagers in middle or high school who are bored with their lives and have a lot of time to kill.

Connoisseurs - people who are passionate about cannabis and don’t usually stick to one particular kind or brand. 

Creative People - use cannabis to unlock creative ideas hidden deep inside them. 


Yes, there is definite cross-over in some of these classifications and there are more categories, but we captured the types that are most covered.

When conjuring up a vision of these stereotypes, you can see that old stigmas of a stoner, while still existing, are far from the only type of cannabis user. And recognition of this reality is key for successful cannabis brands.

We encourage cannabis brands to use LucidIDs as an extension of their marketing to their specific target audiences.

Want to learn more about the power of the Intelligent UPC for Cannabis, LucidID? Schedule a demo.

The cannabis consumer demographics were collected from the following sources:


Increase Margins via Streamlining Supply Chains (by Jake Haworth, SVP of Operations, Lucid Green)


Education is Key for Cannabis Consumers